Raising Vegan Kids - Vegan Aruba

Raising Vegan Kids

A vegan lifestyle can sometimes be challenging, especially when you are starting out. There is so much learning, adapting and adjusting that needs to be done. Now add an already picky toddler into that equation…

In today’s blog we address raising vegan kids. Keep reading to find out how to handle common challenges faced with raising vegan kids.


A little background information on my family’s dietary habits and lifestyle. My mother is vegetarian, my boyfriend and his parents are not vegetarian or vegan, however they do respect my choice in raising my daughter vegan and are very accommodating to our dietary choices.

My daughter is 4 years old now and can explain in her own words why she doesn’t eat any animal products. She basically says “animals are my friends and I don’t hurt my friends” in very matter of fact way. She has told her non-vegan friends this and then goes on with her day.


Setting boundaries with friends and family is very important. Especially if your child is still too young to know how to differentiate non-vegan food from vegan food. Having open, non-judgemental conversations with friends and family explaining your reasons and dietary needs can be a game changer. 

In the event that your friends and family are not onboard with your beliefs or even hostile towards your reasons, give them time, a lot of people feel personally attacked, and offer to make your own snacks or meals at gatherings. If possible make amazing bomb a** vegan food to show them that vegan food is not just celery and carrots.

Set boundaries that feel right to you, some people will not tolerate non-vegan food around them at all, some are fine with other people eating non-vegan food around them, it all comes down to what you feel the most comfortable with, and what aligns best with your family and how you are raising your child.


In the early years of a child’s life there isn’t much pressure on fully explaining what a vegan lifestyle is, because the child is little and it’s dietary needs are determined by solely you. As your child gets older it gets more and more difficult. They get friends, have play dates and start going to school. So it is important to explain to your child what veganism is, why you practice it and how to best navigate disapproving opinions and questions from their peers.

Personally, I went straight up graphic with my daughter when I explained to her what veganism is, why we don’t consume animal products and what happens to the animals before they become “food”. I understand though, that this might not be the most beneficial approach for every child. Feel out the situation, you know your child best, so you know what they can and cannot handle. Be honest, explain it in a way that best suits your child’s age and comprehension level.

Raising vegan kids is actually pretty easy, it is the outside influences that make it difficult. Kids are very resilient and adaptable and not hurting all their cute animal friends just makes sense to them. Take it one step at a time. Set clear boundaries with friends and family, explain ‘the why’ toy your kids and provide them with the right tools to navigate in a non-vegan world, and you’ll be surprised how quick they become little advocates for a vegan lifestyle.

Written by Mellaney Rodriguez

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